Healthy Eating

Tangerine tea to prevent and fight cancer

Recent studies have shown that one of the components of the peel mandarin’s action helps fight cancer cells thus confirming the effectiveness the latter in the prevention and fight against cancer. The great antioxidant capacity that has the shell tangerine favors the destruction of free radicals and oxygen retention of quality, thereby helping to stop the occurrence and fight cancer cells.


Its high antioxidant and antibacterial power also helps to purify the blood, up defenses, balance blood pressure fluid retention fight and endorse digestion and improve the absorption of nutrients by the body. In the case of pregnant women it is also very useful also to treat nausea and vomiting that accompany pregnancy anticancer tangerine peel tea Before starting clarify that this tea helps prevent and fight cancer but never replace any medical treatment.

Cancer is a disease that treated early, can be cured, but you must be consistent in the application of treatment and not stop fighting. This tea is a help. How to prepare tea Tangerine Wash thoroughly tangerine peel and let it dry in the sun for one or two days. Once the skin is dry pour a good piece in a bowl of water boiling, cover, let stand for a few minutes and took a cup three times a day.

The most useful is to prepare at the similar time infusing a full day (three cups) and heat once going to take it. We can reuse the same skin two or three times without problems. However, we recommend using new shells every time we go to prepare an infusion, since the properties will be greater. In addition, take daily tangerine is something that will help us to get better our immune system and prevent colds.

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