
Are Electric Toothbrushes Better at Preventing Cavities?

A person holds a manual toothbrush and an electric toothbrush

Going to the dentist for your routine cleanings isn’t exactly a celebratory occasion for most. In fact, many people dread the dentist, and if you’re one of them, preventing cavities so that you don’t need to return for a filling is a must. Could your toothbrush be the secret to doing that?

Are electric toothbrushes better at preventing cavities? As it turns out, yes.

Cleveland Clinic spoke with Denise Stepka, RDH, who explained that electric toothbrushes are better at removing plaque and cleaning your teeth than a manual brush. But why does it matter so much that electric toothbrushes are so great at getting rid of plaque?

Plaque on your teeth creates acid, and then, that acid breaks down tooth enamel. When tooth enamel breaks down, cavities form and tooth decay starts. By being better at eliminating plaque, electric toothbrushes are better at preventing cavities. But that plaque removal also helps reduce the risk of gum irritation and gingivitis.

As for why electric toothbrushes work better, it’s all about the way they move. The rapid spinning or sonic wave vibrations (because you can opt for either in your toothbrush) are more efficient than manual brushing which some struggle with. Plus, many of the toothbrushes—like brands such as Quip—include high-end features like brush timers and brushing reports that help people improve their oral hygiene.

If you want to avoid the dentist at all costs (minus your routine cleanings), using an electric toothbrush could be the way to do it.

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