
The Single Most Effective Exercise for Sexy Love Handles

The Single Most Effective Exercise for Sexy Love Handles

The Right Exercises to Sculpt It

Everyone wants a sexy six pack, and getting your love handles right is a big part of that.

The muscles that shape your love handles are your obliques. If you can burn enough fat from your midsection, you can really make your obliques pop. And with the right exercises, you’ll shape and tone your love handles enough to see the ab results you’ve been dreaming of.

Today we’re going to look at the single most effective exercise for getting sexy love handles. You may be surprised to hear this, but just a simple twist on the squat can do wonders for your obliques.

Here’s what you need to do…

The Best Exercise for Sexy Obliques

Squats are great total body exercises. Not only do they challenge your lower body, but they also do a great job at targeting your core muscles, including your lower back, abs, and obliques.

But there’s a simple way to boost the impact on your love handles. And all it takes is a dumbbell, it’s called the offset squat – view the exercise here.


What you need to do is find a dumbbell of medium weight – one that is a little challenging to lift, but that you can hold easily just above your shoulder without staggering or straining your back. If you’re a beginner, I’d recommend a 10-15 pound dumbbell. If you’re a little more advanced, something closer to 25 pounds or so would be best.

Hold the dumbbell with one hand at your side. Get into a traditional squat stance, with your feet at shoulder width apart and planted firmly on the ground. Allow for a slight bend in your knees, and keep your back straight.

Lift the dumbbell just above your shoulder, bending your elbow, so that the dumbbell is almost resting on your shoulder. Holding it in place, lower into a squat, making sure your knees don’t move past your toes and you’re not arching your back.

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