
Slim, Sexy, Calm: The Healthiest Morning Workout Routine

The Healthiest Morning Workout Routine

Start Your Day Off Right

Starting off your day with the right morning workout routine can help boost your metabolism into hyperdrive throughout the day which means more fat burned.

This is without a doubt one of the key strategies to staying toned and ripped and keeping any excess calories consumed from being stored around your midsection.

So the solution is moving forward you are going to promise to get it out of the way first thing in the morning reminding yourself that you want to set the stage for the rest of your day. The added bonus is that it will bring you a calm that will also keep you energized and you’ll find you’ll also be much more efficient with everything you need to get done.

A Healthy Morning Routine to Build Muscle and Boost Metabolism

Here’s a pretty killer total body morning routine which includes weight training to of course keep you slim and sexy!

This routine should take you a good 40-45 minutes, depending on your endurance and speed. For all weight training exercises, aim for sets of 10-12 reps each.

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