
Tone Your Abs: 10 Minute Core Challenge

10 Minute Core Challenge

Using Cross-Fit Principles To Tone Your Core

To start your week off right, this intense 10 minute core workout will burn fat, tone your midsection, and redefine your abs.

In order to see real results, you have to get intense. This workout is all about intensity, designed from a cross-fit perspective to get your heart rate up and the sweat pouring. Everyone’s talking about cross-fit lately, but you don’t have to take a class to reap the benefits.

The basic principles of cross-fit can be applied anywhere, anytime. The idea is to engage in total body exercises that you move through as quickly as possible, and without much rest in between. By staying totally engaged in this way, you not only build and strengthen muscle, but you also burn a ton of fat and see some serious toning results.

By the way, more than half the battle to get your abs to show is to have a really solid and timely meal plan. To take the guess work out for you I’ve designed a full meal plan which is also divided for women and for men

Today’s focus is on your abdominal and core muscles. This muscle group plays an important role in your total body strength and fitness, so it shouldn’t be ignored.

Let’s get intense…

10 Minute Core Challenge

Remember, there are no rest periods in cross-fit, especially when you’ve only got 10 minutes.

I’m giving you 4 exercises. The goal is to run through each exercise back to back, according to the number of reps indicated. When you finish one round, start over immediately.

Your goal: The aim is to complete 8 rounds in 10 minutes, but go at your own pace and remember to push, the harder you push the better the results with this one.

Your challenge: The one thing you never give up with this is watching your form.  Always have your back in a position like there is a bar running through it vertically and tighten those abs every single rep.

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