Healthy Eating

The five magic effect for woman drinking vinegar

Vinegar is not only essential condiment home, and its unique health care function also has attracted much attention. For a female friend, if vinegar can bring great benefit for their own health and beauty.

1 take a spoonful of vinegar in the morning – fasting laxative

Many women who are plagued by acne or stains often have different levels of constipation. Modern medical research shows that the amino acids and certain glycolytic enzymes and other unsaturated fatty acids contained in vinegar, can promote intestinal peristalsis, maintain the balance of the ecological environment of the gut flora, maintain defecate unobstructed. If constipation is heavy, but every morning fasting clothes a spoonful of vinegar (about 10 ~ 15 ml), drink a cup of boiling water, can take effect after 1 weeks.


2 before bedtime 10 ~ 15 ml vinegar can lose weight

Weight loss is the eternal topic for female friends, vinegar contains 20 kinds of amino acids and 16 kinds of organic acids, which can promote glucose metabolism, lower cholesterol, regular consumption of amino acids contained in vinegar, not only can promote the consumption of body fat, sugar and protein The new supersedes the old. Smoothly, play a slimming effect. Therefore, for friends who want to be thin may wish every night before bedtime 10 ~ 15 ml of vinegar.

3 white vinegar with water to do massage – Anti Wrinkle and anti-aging

Chinese medicine believes that vinegar has a new role of renew, for improving the skin blood circulation, promote skin metabolism has a certain role. Modern pharmacological research shows that vinegar has the function of assisting anti – oxidation, anti – aging, eliminating wrinkles.

Night after washing the face, white vinegar 1 tablespoons water desirable, 3 tablespoons of vinegar, mixed evenly, take with tampon, there are wrinkles on the face gently place, then gently massage 3 to 5 minutes, rinse with warm water. Long term adherence, can help to eliminate small wrinkles on the face.

4 hot water and vinegar to wash feet — improving sleep

Chinese medicine believes that vinegar can be blood scattered silt, their feet with vinegar, can promote blood circulation, eliminate fatigue, help sleep. Therefore, insomnia, try every night before going to bed 2500 ml of 40 degrees Celsius hot water poured into the pot, add vinegar (vinegar, vinegar can be) 150 ml soak the feet, to improve sleep. In addition, bath in the bath to add the appropriate amount of vinegar, but also can play a very good role in the elimination of fatigue, improve sleep.

5 warm water add vinegar wash or bath, preventing gynecological diseases

Vinegar has antiseptic effect, have a good preventive effect on pruritus vulvae and vaginitis, each 1000 ml of warm boiling water available to add vinegar 10 to 15 ml, with a concentration of 1% to 1.5% of the solution to clean the vulva or bath. Compared with other gynecological topical lotions, use white vinegar after washing vulva moist and comfortable without dryness and odor, especially for a better effect in elderly women.

Special reminder

Need to pay attention to is that vinegar should not be a large number of drinking, especially suffering from gastric ulcer, gastric acid secretion of too many people. In addition, the skin sensitive people should be careful.

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